LuLu Pulse:
build your lending intelligence edge
Sign-up now for this credit union exclusive offer to try the next evolution of lending intelligence powered by GenAI—free for 30 days
Smarter insights for better decisions
Build a smarter lending organization with fast benchmarking and in-depth peer analysis tailored to your business with powerful GenAI. You get unlimited ways to surface insights and forecasting with direct access to NCUA Call Reports, HMDA, and economic data.
Simplified access for ultimate visibility
Get direct visibility to insights like never before. Ditch the dashboard and reporting constraints with simple natural language prompts to access business and industry knowledge. No constraints on prompts and a quick learning curve, give your team the power to surface intelligence with ease. No integrations or data sharing needed.
Gain speed to take the lead
Optimize faster with instant, direct access to the most relevant data to make decisions and boost productivity. Just ask LuLu a question. Then, splice, dice, and revise quickly without charts or dashboards–and distribute insights in easily consumable formats in seconds.
With the LuLu Pulse
30-day trialyou get
An exclusive offer to lock in a $2K quarterly subscription
**cancel anytime before the end of the trial** -
Monthly best practices, tips and tricks
Access to ongoing webinars and learning
First chance for upgrades and to purchase additional modules as they become available